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Deli Nature Canary Egg Food

Deli Nature Canary Egg Food
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Ref:  AA0200
Brand:  Beyers Deli Nature

Deli Nature Canary Egg Food is a quality eggfood based on fresh eggs and is perfectly suitable for the breeding of all types of canaries and foreign finches.  For British finches, we advise to enrich the eggfood with extra animal proteins.

Unique qualities of the Deli Nature egg food:

  • Vitamin kernel for birds (competition has vitamin kernel developed for poultry => big eggs and flesh production)
  • 100 % natural honey => great taste (many competitors work with glucose)
  • Non gmo soy germs (unique amino acids pattern, high valuable protein source)
  • No animal fats (present in eggfood of many competitors)

The eggfood has been successfully tested with (world) champions for a year.